Nov 10, 2021Liked by Ben Dolnick

Wow repeat wow. Thank you, Ben!

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Nov 10, 2021Liked by Ben Dolnick

Speaking of excellent sentences that tuck themselves away into the ends of paragraphs... "He wants you to get it not because there’s a test but because it’s beautiful."

What a wonderfully succinct way of explaining the joy of this book and why it's a worthwhile read even to those enough who may already understand evolution well enough to pass an 8th grade biology exam!

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Brilliant! As a writer myself, I have often enjoyed writing endings more than beginnings, but--as you say--without that hook at the beginning, you won't likely keep a reader's attention! A slight digression, here, but I recently came across this great post about philosopher Rebecca Goldstein's "The Mattering Instinct" (Goldstein being a genius in her own right), where she builds on Dawkins's work to explore how genes' survival tactics gave rise to the concept of "mattering" and, eventually, morality (https://fs.blog/rebecca-goldstein-matter/).

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Love the basketball play-by-play, and how about Dawkins making that dunk extra Darryl Dawkins-like funky, with a rhyme Rakim would give a head nod?!

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